All Posts By

Kim Baird

September 28, 2023

Shifting the way we see self-care

I used to put endless excuses in front of why I didn't give myself any self-care and recharge time... I don't have enough time... I don't have enough money... I need to work in any spare time I do have... I'm happy to give lots to everyone else... I have too many responsibilities... I have a child who needs my…
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Inner GameInternal blocksLimiting BeliefsStepping Up
October 18, 2016

5 Powerful Ways To Move Forward When You Are Feeling Stuck

We can all get stuck in life from time to time, and some of us can stay in a continuous loop of not moving forward.  Living in this space can leave us feeling completely helpless and totally disempowered.  It is not a good feeling when we are stuck and not moving forward because as humans we feel fulfilled when we…
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Guest Blog PostHealingInner GamePurposeStepping Up
July 23, 2016

Healing Your Heart Chakra

My good friend, Lysa Black's new book Divine Purpose is being released worldwide on kindle this week and to celebrate I'm sharing the abbreviated 8th Chapter with you. This chapter is all about healing the heart chakra; bringing focus to the practice of 'reciprocating love' and letting it flow both ways. Lysa's book shares real life accounts of women who…
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Inner GameInternal blocksLimiting Beliefs
July 1, 2016

What’s blocking you?

Do you feel like there is something holding you back right now? You want something better in your life.... more money, better health and fitness, more meaningful relationships, more clients, more fulfilment & passion in your life, more time off to recharge .... but for some reason you just can't get to where you want to be in one or…
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BooksInner GameStepping Up
June 15, 2016

The Toughest Decisions Can Have the Greatest Impact

It really was an unbelievably tough decision to write 'Gifts From the Darkness.' I remember when I started writing it, I made a Facebook post saying that this book needed someone with great courage to write it. I didn't actually feel like I was that person or that I was even close to being brave enough to go through with…
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Inner GameInternal blocksLimiting Beliefs
June 1, 2016

Is Your Indecisiveness Blocking You for Going For it?

Are you one of those people that finds it hard to make decisions?  Big life decisions are almost impossible to make and you don’t even like making small everyday decisions because you never know which choice is the right one? I know that feeling all too well because I used to do anything to avoid making decisions.  I used to…
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Inner Game
May 25, 2016

The 3 Letter Word to Change Your Life

What if a 3 letter word could completely change your life? Pretty bold right, but that is exactly what this one little word did for me. It’s only a small 3 letter word, a pretty boring one too, but the impact that it has had on my life has been nothing short of a miracle. This one word has meant…
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Inner Game
May 16, 2016

6 Strategies for Bringing More Happiness into Your Life

#1 Change Your Perspective Changing your perspective on life, people and situations, looking at things from a different angle can massively change your happiness level and the way that you experience life. #2 Heal Your Relationships Relationships form such a massive part of our life so either heal or get rid of the relationships in your life that are not…
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Inner Game
May 7, 2016

6 Steps To Overcome Fear and Doubt

Fear and self doubt is a massive issue and it is what stops most people dead in their tracks from living the life that they truly want.  Everyone experiences fear and doubt, the trick is to move through it as fast as you can so that you can move towards your goals and dreams.  If you let the fear and doubts…
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