6 Strategies for Bringing More Happiness into Your Life

By May 16, 2016Inner Game

#1 Change Your Perspective

Changing your perspective on life, people and situations, looking at things from a different angle can massively change your happiness level and the way that you experience life.

#2 Heal Your Relationships

Relationships form such a massive part of our life so either heal or get rid of the relationships in your life that are not working and are causing drama and unhappiness.

#3 Stop Trying To Always Please Others

You need to throw out the need to please others or get approval because letting this drive your life kills your freedom and at the end of your life you will most likely look back and regret that you didn’t live your life for you.

#4 Don’t Stress About the Small Stuff

How often do you get caught up stressing out about small things that don’t actually matter?  The stress and worry is taking away your happiness.  Let go of the need to control every little situation and have the need for it to be perfectly how you think it should be, go with the flow more often and gain back your happiness.

#5 Embrace an Outlook of Gratitude

Be happy now and be grateful.  You don’t need to wait, you can choose happiness now.  You can embrace an outlook of gratitude for your life.  We all have so many amazing things in our life to be grateful for, we just don’t choose to see it.  So take some time to stop and start appreciating what you have got now.

#6 No Failures, Only Lessons

As children at school we are taught that failure is bad.  That making mistakes is wrong, so most of us grow up carrying this belief around with us in life.  Every time we experience a “failure” in our lives it is simply a lesson in disguise, so find the lesson and learn from it instead of thinking that things going wrong in your life make you a failure.

About Kim Baird

Kim Baird is an award winning author, inspirational speaker, transformational coach and entrepreneur. Kim has helped thousands of people to transform their lives and their businesses for the better. She has a passion for living life and absolutely loves helping others to do the same; helping them to consciously create the life that they truly desire.
