The Toughest Decisions Can Have the Greatest Impact

It really was an unbelievably tough decision to write ‘Gifts From the Darkness.’ I remember when I started writing it, I made a Facebook post saying that this book needed someone with great courage to write it. I didn’t actually feel like I was that person or that I was even close to being brave enough to go through with it. It was one of the toughest decisions I’ve had to make to go ahead and actually commit to it. And here I am with the book sitting next to me and about to be launched in just 2 days. I guess it turns out that I am THAT brave!

And I know there are some people out there watching all my posts thinking “who is she to write a book about dark times!” “She’s got this “amazing life” that she talks about all the time filled with opportunities and blessings and filled with gratitude and miracles and happiness…. she knows nothing about what most of us go through!”

Well if you are one of those people, you are right. I do have an amazing life now, but that is not because challenges and dark times are absent in my life, it is because of the attitude that I live my life by, rather than what happens to me. My life from the outside can look pretty great, it always has, but with me, just like everyone else there is usually WAY more going on behind the scenes than you see.

I’ve been through some extremely dark times in my life, most of which no one knew anything about… even my closest family members, who I had to bravely sit down with before the book was launched, to reveal all that is in the book. I am a really private person, a total introvert, and truthfully I’ve always been a bit of a loner in life, doing it on my own, walking my own path, not really letting anyone truly into my world or what was really going on because I never felt like I fitted in, this is of course with the exception of my amazing soul buddy, Andrew and my kids.

I have never really shared the “true me” with hardly anyone, well that is until now… Because this book has been written from the deep depths of my heart, exposing me and my story in its rawest and purest form.

When I wrote the book I set a massive intention that it would impact those that read it to improve their lives dramatically, and that is why I was willing to be so vulnerable in this book, because I knew that is how it was going to create the most profound change in those that read it.


I’ve had have tears pouring down my face so many times since the launch of the book, from the overwhelmingly heart-felt messages that have been sent to me from those that have read it.  I can see that impact that I intended, started happening very quickly.

It really does go to show though, that often those toughest decisions, that we really don’t want to have to make, but we know we have to, can actually have the greatest impact on your life.


Order Your Copy of Gifts From The Darkness Here

About Kim Baird

Kim Baird is an award winning author, inspirational speaker, transformational coach and entrepreneur. Kim has helped thousands of people to transform their lives and their businesses for the better. She has a passion for living life and absolutely loves helping others to do the same; helping them to consciously create the life that they truly desire.
