I used to put endless excuses in front of why I didn’t give myself any self-care and recharge time…
- I don’t have enough time…
- I don’t have enough money…
- I need to work in any spare time I do have…
- I’m happy to give lots to everyone else…
- I have too many responsibilities…
- I have a child who needs my constant care…
- I don’t have the energy…
- The dishes and washing are piling up…
- I’m too tired to even think about it…
- Everybody always wants stuff from me…
There’s always a way to make it happen… if it is important enough to us. But the truth was it just wasn’t important to me.
- I didn’t realise how essential it was.
- I didn’t realise that it was a strength to give myself time to recharge.
- I didn’t realise I wasn’t doing it because I actually didn’t value myself.
- I didn’t realise it had to be made a priority.
- I didn’t realise how much it was ultimately costing me not to!
It is easier to not make it a priority, because there is always plenty to do instead.
But life has a way of giving you feedback and showing you the lessons if you are willing to see them.
Ultimately my dismissal of self-care time ended up costing me big time with my health and sending me into burn out.
Something that took me YEARS to recover from fully.
Now my self-care and recharge time is a HIGH priority. It’s non-negotiable. I will fit it in multiple times a week no matter how challenging that might be.
And it isn’t always how much I would like or exactly how I want it to look. But I will find a way to get self-care time in no matter what is going on because I am worth it. I am valuable and it is important to me.
And life gives me the feedback… I’m healthier, I’m happier, I’m more resilient. I’m a better mum, wife, business owner, coach and friend because of it. #winning
I hope that you can do the same for yourself no matter how that looks for you.